Pastor’s Blog/Grace Waves 06.10.20
"Holy, Holy, Holy is our God of Infinite Love,
The fulness of the earth is God's glory!" (Isaiah 6)

Our Justice Advocacy Deacon Sara Bretthauer participated in the Food Drive at St. Timothy’s last Sunday. She will be sharing with us the best ways for Peace members to participate and support.
Incredible news from New Zealand that they are now Covid free! Of course they are fiercely monitoring their ports of entry but it can be done!
There are stirrings that some members would like to prepare a Shower Gift for Ella and Louis. You will learn more in the near future.
Members of our congregation are working on Covid Solutions in various ways. Keep John Ashley and Greg Ouzounian in your prayers.
For those of you who have Prime there is a special series of Films being offered in June under the banner Black Lives Matter. Most importantly, “Just Mercy” is being shown for free during June (many of you have read the book defending the rights of Death Row prisoners including children). In addition, these are my personal recommendations for you; “I am Not your Negro” examines the insights of poet/novelist James Baldwin; “Fences” with Denzel Washington; a film on August Wilson, playwright and author of Fences; “Get in the Way” by John Lewis who is considered the Conscience of the Congress; “Marshall” about former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall; and Harriet Tubman. There are other worthy films!
Can you believe it – one year ago Paradise was on Fire? Maybe we still are……….
The Seed/Wisdom of the Gospel falls on different types of Soil, said Jesus: Paths (of habituation), among Rocks (hardness of heart), Weeds (pretense which strangles new life) and Fertile – rich, deep, open and mature. There will also be those who ‘hear but do not understand and look but do not see’ (Mat. 13:14). Those who ‘prefer darkness to light because their hearts are turned to darkness’ (Jn. 3:19). Thankfully ‘those who are not conformed to the world’s values but by renewing their minds seek to discern God’s yearnings for their lives’ (Rom. 12:2). And those who ‘desire to cooperate in the painful birth of a New Creation’ (Rom. 8:22)
Pentecost Season Blessings, Pr. Steve