Pastor’s Blog/Grace Waves 05.22.20
Feast of the Ascension: “If you love me you will keep my Word. I shall ask Abba/Imma to give you another Paraclete/Advocate to be with you always , the Spirit of Truth whom the world can never accept since it neither sees nor knows the Spirit – but you know the Spirit because the Spirit is with you, and the Spirit is in you.” Jesus
A word from our California Bishops about Reopening the Churches:
It is with concern that we reach out to you today, on the eve of Memorial Day weekend and the last Sunday of Easter, having just witnessed in a televised message by the President of the United States a statement declaring that the nation’s churches should open for public worship this weekend. We understand the strong desire of our people to worship together, particularly on a meaningful weekend like this one. We wish to state for the sake of our church and its people that we believe the advice to re-open this weekend is at odds with the prevailing medical understanding of the course of this virus and the ways to prevent its spread.
We call on you to continue to listen to those state and local public health experts who, using the best medical and scientific information available, have already given us sensible guidelines to follow in our states and in the counties of our synods. Churches remain places of particularly high risk for contagion, and recent cases in many states have confirmed that opening prematurely can be catastrophic.
Returning to Worship at Peace: Margaret Beeler and Jim Gunshinan will lead our Reopening Committee so that appropriate procedures can be designed, ushers trained and the people of Peace educated about the best ways to worship and remain healthy in these upcoming weeks. No date has been set yet but our Stratford School and AA Groups would like to resume their educational and support group0 work again later in June. Lots of preparations need to be addressed in these upcoming weeks.
Why would we pit a healthy economy against a healthy population? Racing back to consumerism, poisoning the environment, trampling our families and children in the rat race for profit borders on the pathological. And to threaten the health of the nation on top of this? Who pays the price? Of course, the most vulnerable and the essential workers. We have a chance now to see more clearly what we are doing and who pays the price. The violent catastrophes – of inequality and ecological destruction – remain before us. May the Covid Crisis motivate us to demand healthy practices for all God’s people and earth.
St. Timothy’s invites us to participate in their Food Drive for Monument Crisis Center. Sara Bretthauer will coordinate Peace efforts with them. See the Flyer below*
Here is a 2 minute video from Jubilee- the Global Debt Forgiveness advocates. The Covid Crisis has prompted the Forgiveness of Debt for the 25 poorest countries on earth. A True Resurrection story: Watch the Jubilee International Debt Relief beautiful message with our global partners HERE.
Sources for Face Masks – which Benefit Others: Here is a link to an online page from Men’s Health magazine that lists a few dozen places where you can buy a mask and support non-profits at the same time. I went with “For Days” but mostly because they were able to send me 5 masks for $25 and send 5 to others for free; and they were able to send me the masks within a week. (From VP Jim Gunshinan)
Bill’s Art Tour of The DeMichele Exhibit at Peace will come your way next week. Anticipate wonderful insights regarding these fine works in our Sanctuary.
A new Peace Directory will soon be coming your way!
Many are experiencing Unemployment. Churches are rich in connections! I invited BJ Jesse – and anyone else who wants to – to reach out through Grace Waves. Here is what she shared in terms of her job skills. If you have suggestions let her know at [email protected]. “My gifts, talents and experience have such a range…from administrative/project management type skills to orchestrating the Sunday School program to teaching yoga & energy healing interest.
For 21 years:
- managing personal and property interests for multi-million dollar client /
- logistics for sculptural elements (check out granite @ Gale Ranch and Danville Hotel!)
- administrative/office support/management for 35-person office — Thanks for your prayers and leads. BJ
Keep in your prayers: Dana Squire, former President of Peace Congregation, resides for half the year in Florida now. He took a bad fall last week and was hospitalized. Elise, Betty, Bob, Jean, Winnie, Heather, Ed, Marshall, those living in countries around the world where Covid19 is about to hit.
Our parking lot Fire Hydrant has been replaced!
From Ceil Mccloy:
Ascension Blessings, Pr. Steve