Pastor’s Weekly Message: 02.19.15
Grace Waves
Now again we see that all is unbegun. The only danger is in not going far enough. If we go deep enough we reach the common life, the shared experience of humanity, the world of possibility. If we do not go deep enough, if we live only half-way, there are obscurity, vulgarity, the slang of fashion, and several kinds of death. Muriel Rukeyser
Our Lenten Season has begun. Please keep each other in prayer throughout this season of contemplation and springtime.
Our sister Annie Haines died this afternoon. I was fortunate to be there and with the family as they gathered. Her dying was rather quick but it seems there are graces in this too. Please keep her family in your prayers. It appears the Memorial Service will be on Saturday, February 28. The time has yet to be decided.
This Sunday our Forum will be a Tour of Peace. What are the Design Elements that shaped our Sanctuary complex. Several people have requested this tour. I trust you will find it fascinating.
Lenten Practice Suggestion: Walk the Labyrinth at least once a week, perhaps on Sundays before or after worship.
Lenten Taize Services will be held on the next 5 Wednesdays at San Damiano Retreat Center in the Western Hills of Danville. Gary Sponholtz and Drew Cremisio will be the instrumentalists for these beautiful services chant, prayer, stillness and scripture. Taize will go from 7 – 8 pm in their Chapel and a Reception will follow. Directions: head west on Prospect Avenue (right next to the old Danville Train Station), go up the hill, bend to the left when given a choice……and the road dead ends in the parking lot of San Damiano.
Lenten Question: What do you want to give yourself this Lent or what does the Spirit want to give you this Lent?
Blessings, Pr. Steve