Pastor’s Blog/Grace Waves 12.18.19
Friends: “What if the present darkness is not the darkness of the tomb but the darkness of the womb? What does the midwife tell you? Push and then breathe!” Sing Along Messiah – this...
Friends: “What if the present darkness is not the darkness of the tomb but the darkness of the womb? What does the midwife tell you? Push and then breathe!” Sing Along Messiah – this...
Seminarian / Wedding / Solstice SELEBRATION! June 22nd, 6:00pm: A party to honor Louis and kick off summer June 23rd, Sunday Worship, 10:00a – Celebrate the marriage of Ella & Louis Easter blessings, Pr....
Peace Lutheran Church is Open!
We are holding Worship together, Sundays at 10:00a; Recorded Worship will be available soon after.
Office Hours:
We look forward to seeing you!
Church office:
(925) 648-7000 or